I think most of the people when they say or describe an ordinary day, its like, a day like all the others with the kind of same routine and stuff to do. Well, this is another day like all the others, but in my way of like the others.
Today is thursday, and I am suppose to work in the kindergarden, from 8 in the morning to 3.30. Normally, I cant wake myself up without 4 or 5 alarms, cause the first one, hehe, it doesnt count. I just reach out my hand ad kill it off. So on the second one, my counscience is awake but not me. And so on..., but even though, I woke up one hour after the last alarm, meaning at 8. I am suppose to work from 8 and I woke up at 8. Thats not the title of the day yet, when I reached there, at the kinder half an hour after, no breakfast, there was nobody there. So I kinda try to get my flash back, paralised for 2 seconds, then I remember that I was suppose to have a lesson. Happily I did my preparation, but I didnt bring it with me, because of the rush of been late in the morning. So then I have to go back home and get it. But should I tell them first and yet where are they, or should I just go then explain everything afterwards. Mm.. Ya well, I did neither of it, because, one of the kids was arriving with his father, and went straight to the big room, in the other house. So I was, ok then, thats where they are. Before I made any step, one of the staff came oout, and smiled at me, nice begining. She came and said, sorry we didnt tell you where we were, it was just a sudden decision. Then before I appologised of my lateness..is that english..whatever, she told me that she needed help from me to sing to the kids. There I was confused, because I was suppose to have a lesson, is this because I was late or what..But they seem to forget that I had the lesson for the day. So I helped them with the singing, then the normal, kinder work came right afterwards. Such as, playing, climbing on me, eating snow and stuff.
Once again I was saved by the hasard....typical.